Using a verb in a sentence but don't know how to conjugate it? This is the place for you! Each question will give you a root verb
and a set of properties (stem, tense, person, gender and number). It is your job to give the correct form given these parameters. To customize your
practice session, you can choose the number of questions to prompt each time, select specific verb types, stems, or tenses to practice with, and even adjust
the probabilities of different problem types being prompted.
First time user? Click here:
1. Begin by navigating to the Filter Panel. Here, you will be able to customize your practice session.
2. First, set the number of questions to be generated. You can generate a maximum of 20 questions each time.
3. Next, select the verb types, stems, and tenses that you would like to practice with. At least one option must
be selected for each category in order for any questions to be generated.
4. (optional) Click "Show Probabilities" at the top of the Filter Panel to control the probabilities for generating specific
problem types. For example, if you want to review "imperfect" tense more and "perfect" less, increase imperfect's probability to have more imperfect-tense questions prompted.
Ensure that probabilities add up to 100% per category.
5. Once Steps 1 - 4 are complete, click "Generate New Questions" under the Filter Panel.
6. A problem set has been created. Answer the questions to your best ability. When finished, click "Check My Answers" at
the bottom to correct your responses.
7. At the bottom of the problem set, you can also export your current problem set into PDF worksheets and answer keys. Good luck!